Los Mochos is located about 18 miles south of Livermore in Alameda County on Mines Road at mile marker 14.95. . Approximate distances and travel times to Rancho Los Mochos: San Leandro, CA to Los Mochos - 42 miles, 1.5 hours Sacramento, CA to Los Mochos - 104 miles, 2.0 hours Eureka, CA to Los Mochos - 325 miles, 5.5 hours Fresno, CA to Los Mochos - 160 miles, 2.5 hours Los Angeles to Los Mochos - 336 miles, 5.5 hours Alpha Centauri to Los Mochos - 4.37 light years

Directions & Weather

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Los Mochos is located approximately 50 miles from the Pacific Ocean and during the summer months the temperature has been known to reach into the high 90’s and low 100’s and during the winter into the low 30’s. Los Mochos Geo Statistics: 1 . Country: United States 2 . State: California 3 . County: Alameda 4 . City: Livermore 5 . Zip Code: 94550 6 . Longitude at Flag Pole: 121.342329 W 7 . Latitude at Flag Pole: 37.323401 N 8 . Elevation at Dining Hall: 2411 feet 9 . Highest point-Ridgeline: 3244 feet 1 0 . Timezone: Pacific Time 1 1 . Topographical: Cedar Mountain Quadrangle 1 2 . Total Acreage of Camp: Appr 686 1 3 . Average Precipitation: 36.17 inches

Weather in Livermore

Click here for  Current Weather conditions at Rancho Los Mochos Rancho Los Mochos, 18450 Mines Road, Livermore, CA  94550 Golden Gate Area Council-BSA, 6601 Owens Drive, Suite 100, Pleasanton, CA  94588 | PH: 925.674.6100 email: info@rancholosmochos.org  |  www.rancholosmochos.org Rancho Los Mochos Established 1944, Oakland Area Council