The Manzanita Flats camping area is located at the south end of camp on the hill across from the auxiliary parking lot and is one of the two original camping areas designated at Los Mochos. The Manzanita Flats camping area dates back to 1950 when water lines were installed to the camping area after the installation of the main water tank. Manzanita Flats is composed of multiple small wilderness campsites. There is a centrally located kybo and washstand and each site has a fire-ring and picnic table. Manzanita Flats Campground (Established 1950): o Antelope (site 11) o Bear (site 10) o Beaver (site 8) o Bobcat Basin (site 7) o Bobwhite (site 15) o Buffalo (site 12) o Eagle (site 14) o EZ Livin’ (site 1) o Finch Flat (site 6) o Fox (site 9) o Gopher Gulch (site 2) o Hummingbird Hollow (site 4) o Owl (site 13) o Raccoon Ravine (site 5) o Raven (site 16) o Shady Acres (site 17) o Tarantula Terrance (site 3) o Woodpecker Point (site 18) - located on open flat area of former water tanks .

Manzanita Flats

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Rancho Los Mochos, 18450 Mines Road, Livermore, CA  94550 Golden Gate Area Council-BSA, 6601 Owens Drive, Suite 100, Pleasanton, CA  94588 | PH: 925.674.6100 email:  | Rancho Los Mochos Established 1944, Oakland Area Council